A comparison of PRC legislation and food standards related to hygiene and food safety in the production of pork, beef and poultry meat and offal versus pertinent EU legislation
The present document compares EU legislation applicable to the production of fresh meat and poultry with the respective legal requirements of the People’s Republic of China, as published in the relevant Food Safety Standards and the Compliance Checklist for Registration of Overseas Establishments of meat to be Exported to P.R. China that was made available to the EU Commission by the General Customs Administration of China.
For the purpose of this study, 21 Chinese National Standards dealing with food hygiene, animal slaughter, meat processing, drinking water, residues and contaminants were evaluated. The provisions were compared with the EU requirements that are applicable and legally binding for all operators and authorities in the EU. The evaluation was occasionally complicated by the fact that overlapping provisions exist in the many Chinese standards, which are not always consistent.
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A comparison of hygiene legislation and food safety standards applicable to Sausage casings to the PRC
This study is a detailed evaluation of Chinese National Food Safety Standards applicable to Sausage casings compared to the requirements laid down in the legislation of the European Union to contribute to the streamlining and simplification of approval and verification procedures in the trade of these products.
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Comparative analysis of Chinese rules for fishery products - Overview of EU law vs Chinese law concerning the export of fish and fishery products to the PRC
This study is a detailed evaluation of 14 Chinese National Food Safety Standards applicable to fish and fishery products compared to the requirements laid down in the legislation of the European Union, which are legally binding for all food business operators in the EU.
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A comparison of hygiene legislation and food safety standards applicable to Bee Products to the PRC
This study is a detailed evaluation of Chinese National Food Safety Standards applicable to Bee Products compared to the requirements laid down in the legislation of the European Union to facilitate of trade in bee products between the European Union and the People’s Republic of China by a systematic comparison of standards applicable to bee products.
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A comparison of hygiene legislation and food safety standards applicable to Foods for special dietary purposes and health foods to the PRC
This study is a comparison of the differences between Chinese and European legislation, all categories, conditions, labelling and highlighting of nutritional and/or health claims and connection to health. Also, comparison of good manufacturing practice on health food with EU legislation and Implementing rules and comparative evaluation.
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A comparison of hygiene legislation and food safety standards applicable to Stuffed wheaten products and condiments to the PRC
This study is a detailed evaluation of Chinese National Food Safety Standards applicable to Stuffed Wheaten Products, Edible Grain/Milled grain industry products and malt, and Condiments compared to the requirements laid down in the legislation of the European Union, which are legally binding for all food business operators in the EU.
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A comparison of hygiene legislation and food safety standards applicable to Eggs and egg Products to the PRC
This study is a detailed evaluation of Chinese National Food Safety Standards applicable to Eggs and egg Products compared to the requirements laid down in the legislation of the European Union, which are legally binding for all food business operators in the EU.
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A comparison of hygiene legislation and food safety standards applicable to Edible oils and fats, oilseeds, Edible grains / milled grain industry products and malt, Nuts and seeds to the PRC
This study is a detailed evaluation of Chinese National Food Safety Standards applicable to Edible oils and fats, oilseeds, Edible grains / milled grain industry products and malt, Nuts and seeds and compared to the requirements laid down in the legislation of the European to contribute to the streamlining and simplification of approval and verification procedures in the trade of these products.
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A comparison of hygiene legislation and food safety standards applicable to Fresh and dehydrated vegetables and dried beans, dried fruits, unroasted coffee beans and cocoa beans to the PRC
This study is a detailed evaluation of Chinese National Food Safety Standards applicable to Fresh and dehydrated vegetables and dried beans and dried fruits and compared to the requirements laid down in the legislation of the European Union to facilitate the trade between the European Union and the People’s Republic of China.
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A comparison of hygiene legislation and food safety standards applicable to Dairy products to the PRC
This study is a detailed evaluation of Chinese National Food Safety Standards applicable to Dairy products / infant formulae by identifying matching provisions as well as any discrepancies in legal requirements to the streamline and simplify the approval and verification procedures in the trade of these products and to facilitate the trade in livestock products between the European Union and the People’s Republic of China.
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